Seth Green fan site



Egyelre csak angolul:

Seth Green: I'm not interested in becoming a bigger star, I'm not interested in being the wealthiest guy in the world. I'm doing fine, I love acting, and I want to do it for the rest of my life.

Seth Green: I passed on American Pie. When the actors were getting $1 million offers after the movie came out, I was saying I should've rethought my decision. But still today, I can't see myself in that movie.

Seth Green: I'm like the guy they knew from high school. People feel they know me.

Seth Green: More often than not, I get accused of stuff that I just wasn't in, and when I tell them that I wasn't in it, they don't believe me. They just go, "Dude, you were in that Rogaine ad," and I say, "No, I'm an actor, but I wasn't in that commercial." Then they're like, "Yes you were, man! What a jerk! Why are you being such a jerk? Let's kick this guy's ass!" So it's good I run fast.

Seth Green: The failures keep you humble and sane. They make you realize how fleeting any form of success is.

Seth Green: I'm not 6 feet tall, classically beautiful and ripped like an animal. I'm just sort of... well, um... accessible.

Seth Green: It's weird. People seem to know me from stuff that I never would expect them to. If somebody recognizes me, I'm never quite sure what it's from.

Seth Green: I firmly believe in marriage. It's a real important decision that takes a lot of dedication and time. If you're thinking about divorce, you shouldn't get married.

Seth Green: All of my activities are so pedestrian. The extreme sport I play is ping pong. And we play it hard. If any of you suckers want to step up to the table, be ready.

Seth Green: Doing something because it's quote-unquote a good career move doesn't really appeal to me. There's never a surefire good career move except doing good work.

Seth Green: There's no greater way to gain an audience's sympathy than by being unfortunate.

Seth Green: Doing three movies with Mike Myers certainly loosened me up. He told me that there's a switch in your brain that censors you, makes you second- guess. You have to turn it off, shut out the fear of being embarrassed and making a mistake. Being a good improvisational actor is all about being in the scene, getting out of your head. Conan O'Brien is my favorite interviewer because he pays attention and has no game plan.

Seth Green: God is, to me, pretty much an idea. God is, to me, pretty much a myth created over time to deny the idea that we're all responsible for our own actions.

Seth Green: (on being famous) It's a period of adjustment. I've gotten a lot better at it. After working for 18 years, all of a sudden I became successful on a level where other people knew it. It's not a cat you can put back in the bag.

Seth Green: There are two kinds of people in this world: Michael Jackson fans and losers.


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Induls: 2007-03-14

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