Seth egy nevettet msorban kifigurzta Chris Crockert! Akinek nem ismers ez a nv, az nzze meg EZT A VIDET s rgtn megrti, hogy kirl is van sz. Chris Crocker egybknt egy hatalmas Britney Spears rajong s a youtube-ra feltett videjn srva knyrg, hogy hagyjuk bkn a popsztrt.
Seth erre egy televzis msorban gy vlaszolt:
Hagyjtok bkn Chris Crockert!
[Felhvnm a figyelmet a Robot Chicken promra a vgn..]
Valahogy gy hangzik az angol szveg:
Leave Chris Crocker alone...leave him alone! He is just a human, he has ideas that he knows is important and opinions people should hear about other people. he-he loves his grandmother, and he is going through a tough time.. that britney pool didnt build itself, he had to build that himself, he put all those pictures up after buying and collecting them all. did you do that?! you didn't do that..... you cant talk about someone when you're not willing to do what they do.. you have not spent a mile walking in his sneakers, or platforms or pumps,or i dont know what he wears,but i bet its stylish... fuck you, you judgemental people...he is dealing with a lot right now, you don't know make fun of him, if you wanna make fun of him you're gonna have to go through me...and i am tough to go through cause i am tangible.leave him alone. and watch robot chicken sunday nights at 11:30 at cartoon networks adult swim, season 2 dvd available right now. so buy it... and leave him alone... ugh!